Monday, June 29, 2009

Unlock iPhone 3G without Wi-Fi connection

What if your iPhone 3G cannot connect to Wi-Fi or your iPhone's Wi-Fi is not working anymore, how can you unlock it knowing that the unlock is only available at Cydia by adding the

Here's step by step tutorial on how to unlock iPhone 3G without wi-fi connection.

Note: Windows users only.

Step 1.

Update your iPhone 3G to OS 3.0. Tutorial on how to update iPhone 3G here

Step 2.

Jailbreak your iPhone 3G with redsnow. Tutorial for jailbreaking iPhone 3G here

Step 3.

Download file here to unlock your iPhone without Wi-Fi.

Step 4.

Unrar the file and run/double click the "Unlock3G_3.0.bat".

Step 5.

Reboot your iPhone 3G.

Your iPhone has been unlock.

Please report any problem on the comment portion.

Happy unlocking.

Friday, June 26, 2009

iPhone 3G and 3GS unlock tutorial

Redsnow+Ultrasnow= iPhone 3GS unlock

Yes its true, the iPhone Dev Team confirmed that the iPhone 3GS is unlock-able with the same tool ultrasnow.

According to the iPhone Dev Team:

" And yes, ultrasn0w will be able to be used on the iPhone 3GS for you unlockers! (In fact, without any modifications whatsoever!)"

That means we can use the same tool, redsnow and ultrasnow to jailbreak and unlock the iPhone 3GS. so for you guys who

owns iPhone 3G and 3GS, just follow the instruction below on how to unlock your iPhone.


And just like with the 3G, ultrasn0w for 3GS requires that you do not update your baseband when Apple comes out with new firmware.

Happy unlocking.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

iPhone 3G and 3GS unlock tutorial

The waiting game is done.... for all you guys out there who have iPhone 3G (locked) or unlocked before with "YellowSnow" but accidentally updated their OS version to 2.2.1 with 2.30 baseband which is unlock-able by that time. And there are even group of people who strived hard to downgrade their baseband 2.30 to a unlock-able baseband version but that doesn't work a 100% sure coz you will need to have a bootloader 5.8 before the unlock will work.

But now the iphone-dev team released the so called "Ultrasn0w" to unlock your iPhone 3G and 3GS to be used with any carrier in your country.

Instructions are as follows:

WARNING: Ultrasn0w will work with all iPhone 3G and 3GS models

Note: Links to download redsnow and PwnageTool can be found at the bottom part of this post.

1. Upgraded your iPhone 3G to iPhone OS 3.0 via iTunes.

2. Jailbreak your iPhone 3G using redsnow or PwnageTool which will install Cydia/Icy automatically.

the error will only come out when your unit do not enter in DFU mode. but you can repeat the instruction until you put your device in DFU mode.

3. Run Cydia/Icy from your jailbroken iPhone 3G.

Note: Make sure you are connected to your Wi-Fi Network.

4. Add the repo to Cydia or Icy.

Steps for adding sources:

1. Tap Manage on Cydia.

2. Tap Edit

3. Tap Add

4. Enter The word ultrasn0w "0" should be ZERO not letter O.

when done adding the source, this window should appear.

5. Tap the that you just added or search for "ultrasn0w" in cydia or icy and tap install ultrasn0w.

Tap Install

Tap Confirm

6. Reboot your iPhone 3G device.

and there you go you should be able to use any SIM card of your choice... because your iPhone 3G and 3GS is already unlocked. Thanks a lot to iPhone Dev Team for their unending effort to make this iPhone 3G and 3GS unlock possible.

Links are here for the tools you need to jailbreak and unlock your iPhone 3GS, 3G and 2G too:

MAC: Here