Monday, June 29, 2009

Unlock iPhone 3G without Wi-Fi connection

What if your iPhone 3G cannot connect to Wi-Fi or your iPhone's Wi-Fi is not working anymore, how can you unlock it knowing that the unlock is only available at Cydia by adding the

Here's step by step tutorial on how to unlock iPhone 3G without wi-fi connection.

Note: Windows users only.

Step 1.

Update your iPhone 3G to OS 3.0. Tutorial on how to update iPhone 3G here

Step 2.

Jailbreak your iPhone 3G with redsnow. Tutorial for jailbreaking iPhone 3G here

Step 3.

Download file here to unlock your iPhone without Wi-Fi.

Step 4.

Unrar the file and run/double click the "Unlock3G_3.0.bat".

Step 5.

Reboot your iPhone 3G.

Your iPhone has been unlock.

Please report any problem on the comment portion.

Happy unlocking.